VHC Pro-Life Ministry Update from Julie Luna

Pastor Randy, 

I want to give you an update on what is going on with our PFHC, we have had more calls than ever during this COVID 19 time, I have received many calls from ladies wanting sonograms, and have to turn them away for not having this service, it would be wonderful to find a tech person to help do sonograms at the center.

We have provided many ladies with baby clothing, toys, diapers, etc.

We have provided some pregnancy tests. Some ladies are not too happy with the results and some are very happy. But, every lady has been told the gospel of Jesus Christ and provided a Bible and material to read. If you remember I told you we had a lady that accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior. Praise the Lord for that.

We are currently working on a project, calling back all the ladies that have used our services and asking them questions, like how are you doing? How can we help you? How is your baby? Etc.

I would like to continue expanding our services online. I was wondering if we can have a website for our services or we can merge our information with the church website. Maybe a Facebook page, etc.

Now that I am available, I have so many ideas and suggestions to start working on internet services but I DO need help with this project. I am clueless when it comes to social media and Facebook.

One more special note, through this ministry we have built great relationships with many ladies while giving them hope.

I know the LORD is going to bring us more servants to help me (us) with this ministry.

Thank You,

Julie Luna


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