New Life Christian Academy

Dear Church Family, 
Last week, one of our church members asked me how the school was doing financially. They knew that it was struggling from the prayer request and info email I sent out earlier. It was obvious to me that the Lord had placed a burden on their heart for the school. They suggested I ask our church members to donate to the school. I replied that by now they know we don't do that. When we have needs, we pray and then wait on the Lord. After all, He has always given us tasks beyond our abilities. We always accept the task, pray for provision and then step out and begin doing what He told us to do. He gave us the school. It has always been beyond our financial means. We pray, bring the kids in to teach and wait on Him to provide for all our needs. In that way, He keeps us close to Him and we do not do anything in our own strength as our Lord taught in John 15:5 I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.  I went on to say to this church member that if God has laid it on their heart to give, they should do so and then continue to pray for His provision. 
Fast forward to last night. I had the pleasure of seeing the best children's Christmas program of my life take place in our sanctuary. It was not the best because of special effects. It had nearly nothing in that regard. It was not the best because of the script; although the script was original and fun. It was not the best because of its size. It was actually one of the smallest in cast and audience I've seen. It was the best because it was God's. It was His kids from His school being His kids in freedom and freely in Him. It was His teachers. It was his audience; although many did not know Him, they were brought there by Him. It was His moment. And it was funny without being crass or disrespectful to Him. It was awesomely and completely His.
This morning, I was in my quiet time. I was worshiping Him in prayer and presenting my requests to Him as He has taught us in His word. Once again, I earnestly presented my petition that He allow us to keep the school. I love this little school so much because He has given it to us. For the first time, since I began earnestly appealing to Him to let us keep it, I felt a peace. I felt the burden lifted. I sensed Him saying it He has heard our prayers. All will be alright. Now in all forthrightness, He did not reveal to me how it would be alright. He did, however, assure me that I need not worry about it because We will now see His move in this matter. Then He led me in a wonderful time of revelation and reflection on all He has done for me in and in me and a bit of what He has done through me for His glory. It was a wonderful, joyful experience. Our God is so good!
A few minutes later, I received a text from that church member that I mentioned at the beginning of this story. They asked how things are going with the school and told me they had received a Christmas bonus and would be giving it to me tomorrow. The text was such a confirmation to the word of peace He had spoken to me earlier. I felt such joy knowing our God has heard our prayers and is reaching down to accomplish His will in our midst. However, it also prompted something else in me. It prompted me to get out of His way. Sometimes my desire to see God and God alone move can cause me to quench the spirit of generosity in His people. I felt his gentle correction in this regard. I now see how fitting it would be, at this moment in the journey, that I stop blocking the door and allow others to know and to give as He moves within them; just as he did with this dear child of God and their Christmas bonus. Therefore, I ask all of you to take a moment. Turn your thoughts toward God. Does He want you to be a part of this move He is making? If so, the floodgates are open. Feel free to respond if the Spirit prompts. Bring your gifts to him either in the offering plate tomorrow, through the mail or in whatever other way works for you. Let us worship Him with our gifts as well as our lips and let us prepare to rejoice as we His victorious move among us!
Your Servant
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