June Retreat


Hi Retreaters,

Thank you all so much for communicating with me this year about your interest in attending the upcoming Retreat. Now is about the time I start to get a little anxious! First, because I look so forward to this time together. Second, because it's crunch time on getting the final details taken care of.

If you haven't paid yet, I need you to as soon as you can. This will assure your spot. Also, I will need to be talking with the Camp Activities Director soon to schedule activities. We are sharing the camp this year with other groups so the sooner I can let him know what we'd like to do the better chance we have of being able to get scheduled in. Anyone participating in ANY activity MUST sign the Waiver form. At sacramentocamp.org under the Activities tab is the link for the Waiver Form. It's pretty simple to do because I did it so I know it's simple! Please parents make sure you complete the Form for you and your kids. Then please let me know what Activities you'd like to do. Saturday from after breakfast till dinner at 5:30pm is free for activities.

My email is graefatuch@gmail.com and my cell phone is 915-241-4479.

Look forward to hearing from you,
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