Heritage Girls

Dear Church Family, 

     We are still trying to put together a board for Heritage Girls. Please pray God calls some men and women to this ministry position. Until then, we will begin having a class with lessons and activities just for girls on Wednesdays night with the hope that it will grow into a Heritage Girls Troupe. We will be launching our first class on July 12th. If you haven't been praying for our girls ministry, please begin doing so now. 
     Also, please take some extra time today, on this birthday of The United States of America, to give God thanks for the freedoms we have in this country he created. Please pray God will raise up leaders, in all parties, that will turn to him and his Word for wisdom and direction. Please also pray God will revive his people in his church. I urge you to not just say amen to this sentiment, but actually take some time, with those you gather with for celebration, to lift our nation in prayer. In my opinion, It would be great if every 4th of July were a national day of prayer. 
Your Servant
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