Giving Thanks!

Dear Church Family, 

While the world has been struggling with COVID, riots, and fires, here at Vista Hills we have been soaked from above with His blessings. We have been able to meet and worship and fellowship regularly while so many others could not attend their churches. God has protected us all from the virus even while some of our neighbors have fallen ill. We have a new school opened in our facilities while the public schools remain closed or are operating at a minimum occupancy. Rather than being adversely affected by the national economic downturn, most of us have been able to remain employed and many have seen their personal finances improved. The increases in our weekly offerings have made it possible for us to purchase a good working church truck. We were also able to convert our west wing to refrigerated air and give our staff pay raises. In my opinion, we have truly been enjoying a season of blessings.
Our sister ministry, New Life Christian Academy, has also been experiencing a season of blessing. They would like to use the upcoming holiday season to give God thanks. They are calling the next few months the Giving Thanks Season. they have invited us to join them. Following is a rough outline of what they are planning and how we can attend, enjoy and help out: These will not be activities of outreaches or open to the public. This will just be a season of resting, playing, and worshipping our God in giving thanks for all He has done. We will get back to outreach ministries after this time of rest. 
  • October 31 Giving Thanks Kick-Off Festival - The school will host a safe night of games and treats for all their school children, parents, and faculty. Vista Hills Members are invited to be their special guests. We are also invited to participate in setting up our own games and ways to distribute treats. See our Associate Pastor Jon Rutkowski if you would like to help.
  • Nov 20th Giving Thanks Banquet - All the ham and turkeys we could ever eat have already been donated for this event. All the school families and Vista Hills Church families are invited. It will be a dinner and a show event. Please let me know if you could help cook one of the turkeys or hams at your home for the banquet.  
  • Christmas program by the NLCA drama ministry. Stay tuned for details.
  • We would like to make sure all our school kids have the school supplies they need. For some parents who have more than one child in school, this can be a  financial challenge.  I have a list of school supplies each student is required to have. The church has purchased backpacks in which to put those supplies. The teachers know which children are struggling to come up with supplies. I would like to invite you to purchase a set of supplies that can then be put in the backpack as a Christmas gift to one of these families. You might like to add an encouraging note of love and support to the students or to the parents. You might also like to let them know who you are and that you are praying for them. 
Please plan on being a part of this Giving Thanks holiday season. You have all been invited to help in each of these events. Just get in touch with me, Todd or Jon. 
Your Servant 
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