From Sandy Heath

Hi Pastor Randy,
Could you please share my need for help with our VHC family?
I am very thankful to God for selling the El Paso house I’ve called HOME for over 27 years.  Closing should be this Tuesday, 12/15/20. 
However I still NEED HELP to get rid of things that I cannot take with me to Florida.
1.  On Saturday afternoon (12/12/20 - TOMORROW) everyone is welcome to come by & pick up items they might  want.
2.   On Monday (12/14/20), they will deliver a 7’X7’X8’ P.O.D. to my house.  I DEFINITELY WILL NEED HELP  loading  2 desks & many boxes.  
The P.O.D. will be picked up Tuesday (12/15/20), for storage.  Then it will be transported to Florida 12/28/2020.  Delivery set for Jan 12, 2021, to my new Florida house.
I am full of mixed emotions in this transition.  I am blessed to have the loving support and encouragement of VHC family these past 27 years,   I pray it will continue throughout my life.  
Pastor Randy & Grace, thank you, it has been a wonderful joy and blessing to have VHC as FAMILY.  I was honored to have shared with Burney the privilege of serving as pastor & wife here at VHC with great love for the people who have come and gone through this timeless FAMILY.  It's a very RARE opportunity for a former pastor & wife to remain after retirement with the same church family.... thank you for Being FAMILY.  
My time has come to make this transition while I still am young (?) enough, mentally and physically healthy enough and able to move closer to my brother's children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, I look forward to investing time with them in "Sharing (Aunt Sandy's) Love of Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to the Glory of God.   
If any of our VHC family can please help me this weekend,  please call my cell (915) 801-5366 .
Sandy Heath 
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