Friday Evening Prayer

Dear Church Family, 

We are seeing God lead us in a new direction for our Freedom Ministry on Wednesday evening. We believe He is leading us to focus on helping those who are coming out of incarceration and who are also addicts. I look forward to sharing with you how He has been speaking to us about this at a later time. But for now, I will just share with you two obstacles we need to overcome before we can move forward. The first is a children's teacher for Wednesday evenings. I am temporarily filling that position until our Lord raises up someone uniquely gifted for this important ministry.

The second is like the first. I need to be free on Friday evenings so that I might join a group already successfully working in freeing those bound by addictions. I am currently leading the Friday evening prayer group and so am unable to attend this other meeting. Please pray the Lord will call someone to take over leading Friday Night Prayer as well. 
Your Servant,
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