CPS Treat Bags

Dear Church Family, 

     So far we have received one bag of candy for the Child Protective Service Harvest Fest. We are hoping to be able to have enough candy to provide a nice bag of treats for 50 children. Most of these kids are being taken care of by the Child Protective Employees in hotel rooms or by grandparents that are stepping in while their children can not. We would like to help our school children reach out to these children who are not able to be with their parents. Instead of pumpkins, we decided to use gift bags that say, "Shine with the Light of Jesus." 
     I would like to ask for your help in two areas. First, will you please pray the Lord will help us tell these kids they are not forgotten. Second, if you have some free time and a few dollars, will you consider picking up a bag or two of candy and dropping it by the church by Friday morning. And as always I will remain;
Your Servant
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