Church Services

Dear Church Family, 

In keeping with Governor Abbott's new executive order concerning the Coronavirus, we will begin having our church services in our sanctuary again beginning this Sunday, May 3rd. To comply with Government requirements and recommendations we will need to limit the number of people in our sanctuary to 30 at a time.
Therefore, we will have two services in the following manner:
  • 1st service 9:30-10:30. Paz Espiritual and those who normally attend the Sunday School classes are encouraged to attend this service. Worship and message will be in English and Spanish. 
  • 2nd service 10:45-12:00. This will be our normal English worship service.
  • Evening Class 5:30-6:30 in the sanctuary
Please be considerate. We do not want to turn anyone away. Please attend the early service if you normally go to Sunday School so that we can have room for the rest of our congregation in the second service. Those of the worship team who are comfortable attending should meet for the normal 8:15 practice and plan to stay for both services. We will also need the deacons to be on duty for both services if their health and circumstances allow. We will attempt to live-stream the second service for those who can not attend. If we can not live-stream, we will post a video or audio to our church website within a couple of hours of the end of the service.  
Following are some practices that are strongly advised by our governor but not mandated:
  • People 65 and older or those with underlying medical conditions should not attend.
  • Practice social distancing.
  • Use face coverings.
  • Wash hands frequently.
We will begin meeting Wednesday evenings 6:30-7:30 pm for worship and message in the sanctuary May 6th. We will not have a meal. We will continue in this fashion for both Wednesdays and Sundays until the next executive order comes out. Governor Abbott is hoping we will be able to loosen things up more by May 18th. 
Thank you for your cooperation. Thank you for your wonderful demeanor during this difficult period. Pray God will use all of this to make us a people more worthy and better equipped to magnify His name in word and deed. And I remain as always;
Your Servant
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