Church News - Nigeria Trip Update - June 18, 2018


Dear Church family,

I was able to get four of the five immunizations shots I needed for free through the VA and William Beaumont Army Medical Facility today using my veterans benefits. Isn’t God great how He sanctifies and then uses so many things from our past to accomplish His purposes. I like that about Him. I wonder if that is what David was speaking about in Psalms 119 when he said he delights in God’s ways.

Because of the Yellow Fever outbreak in Brazil, there is a nation wide shortage here. The Army hospital here is out as well. I found one clinic in Albuquerque that still has it. It is a new vaccine and is expensive but once you get it you are good for life. I have an appointment for this Friday. I am thanking God for His provision. I am required to get it at least 10 days before travel. We are getting short on time. The Lord has already provided the funds for this vaccine. It is $65 for the clinic visit and then $195 for the vaccine itself. I will get some malaria pills and guanine tablets while I am there as well.

Please pray there will be no hangups on Friday. Also, I am waiting for the Visa to be finalized. Please pray it goes through on time. Then pray I will not have trouble getting through customs. They tend to try to hinder Christian ministers from entering when they can. Pray for the Lord’s favor. Mostly, pray I will be a vessel he can use; well prepared in my heart and mind. And pray God will give whoever attends ears to hear what the Spirit wishes to say.

Your Servant,
Pastor Randy

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