Church News - May 13, 2019


Dear Church family,

Grae would like to thank all the men for the wonderful potluck. She said it was a true blessing. She also said that everything about it, except Randy going to the front of the line, was well planned and executed. Thank you men of Vista Hills

Keep in prayer our June 1st Operation 4life rally. Julie Luna has some flyers printed and would be happy to have you take some to your school or work place to hand out. 

A contractor approached Julie Luna with some cabinets to be installed in the Family Help Center building. We are working on measurements. The price is well below what we had thought it would be. The contractor told Julie he would install them for free. Please keep this in prayer that it would be completed soon so that we can give God glory when it is done. 

I believe we have received our next set of instructions in reaching out to the Montana Vista neighborhood. Please pray God will give us victory in the coming phases of reaching this neighborhood. 

Phase one was to get into the neighborhood and meet the people, ask about their lives and church experience and begin praying with them as we talk about opening a church in their neighborhood. 

Phase Two – Find a Zaccheus, (Luke 19), to let us have church in their back yard. Jon and I will go today to ask the cook I met if we can come to her house for a fellowship meal and worship service. If she says no, Paz Espiritual will be in the neighborhood next Sunday asking everyone they see if we can go to their house for a worship service on any given Sunday. Please pray we can find a Zaccheus  . Once we have one  Zaccheus  we can have church their once a month. We will hand out flyers on the Saturday before as we personally invite people to come. We will then begin looking for a second Zaccheous and a third and fourth until God moves us into Phase Three.

Phase Three – One of the Zaccheus’ to become a Lydia, (Acts 16:14-15); someone who will set us up in their home permanently. That will take us to Phase Four. 

Phase Four. I will let you know when I know. 

I believe it would be fitting to begin calling the church that our Lord will form out there, the “Montana Vista Church”.

Your Servant,
Pastor Randy

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