Dear Church Family,
Thank you for praying for God’s Provision for the church. We needed $2192.66 to pay today’s bills. We received $3154. Please take a moment to join with me in giving Him thanks for hearing and answering our prayers. Also pray the finance committee will have clear direction of where to put the surplus to work.
We have started a little community garden behind the pro-life building. Our hope is to provide a place where anyone can grow vegetables for themselves and for sharing with others. If you know anyone who might like to plant a garden, please let them know we have spots available. We simply ask they consider contributing something to the church water bill to offset the water the gardens consume and perhaps give part of their harvest to the church bread basket. Or, if someone would simply like to work in one of our garden, we could certainly use the help. Either way, contact Ray at 740-0613 for details. We are hoping people from outside our fellowship will have a garden here. And that they might have an opportunity to see Jesus in us and perhaps come to know Him personally as Savior and Lord.
Please remember to pray for this Saturday’s work day. We are asking God to bring workers and to bless us that we would be productive and that our fellowship would bring Him and us Joy. We will be eating breakfast together at 8:00 am and should finish well before noon.
Vacation Bible School will be July 10th-14th from 6:00-8:30 pm. Please pray God will bring children and workers. Also pray His Holy Spirit will do a work for His glory here. I so long to see one of these little ones receive Christ.
I know many of you have been praying for Grace and I. Praise God, she found a good church to be a part of until she can be back with us. It is small like ours. The word is preached and prayer is a big part of their church life. Thank you so much again for all your prayers. Please continue to pray for us as we both try to care for our aging parents.
Your Servant,
Pastor Randy