Church News - August 21, 2019


Dear Church Family,

I would like to thank all of you who put your names on pieces of paper and placed them in the offering plate a few weeks ago. I have been able to find works of service for most of you. Our nursery roster is refilled with names of those wishing to serve our children. Nearly all of our other ministries are well staffed now as well.

There are still a couple of areas where we need help. Please ask God to provide in these areas. Wait. Read this again carefully. I am afraid that when I ask you to pray about something you think I am asking you to consider filling the need yourself. No. I am asking you to pray that God will provide so that His name will be glorified and our faith will be strengthened. It goes like this. 

  1. He leads us to minister beyond our abilities so that….
  2. We can ask him to provide so that…
  3. We can 
    • Give him thanks and praise and the world can see His activity in our lives.
    • Our faith can be strengthened and grow so that…..
  4. He can lead us to minister beyond our need. 

Ok. Ready now? Good. Here are the places where we need God’s provision:

  1. Finances – We were $1200 short of meeting our commitments this week. Please stop right now and ask God to provide. Scriptures say in the book of James, “We have not because we ask not.” Whenever we have a short fall, I know we have fallen back on asking God for our daily provision.
  2. Transportation – I was unable to put anyone’s name down for this ministry. At various times, someone will call me to say they would like to come to church but do not have a car. For example Isela Gilham needs a ride for this Sunday. Please pray God will raise someone up in the church to be on call for this type of service.

Let us devote ourselves to praying for these needs diligently until he meets them.  And, as our prayers are answered, I will report to you God’s provision to the glory of His great name!

Your Servant,
Pastor Randy 

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