Church News and Prayer Requests - May 24, 2018

Dear Church Family,

As most of you know, we are no longer supporting missionaries through the Gospel for Asia organization. That leaves us with a challenge because we believe we are supposed to be involved in advancing The Kingdom here, in Juarez, and overseas. When I presented this issue to the finance committee, they unanimously and without hesitation mentioned supporting our brother Andrew in his efforts to open a Christian School in Nigeria. The Christians there are under persecution from the predominately Muslim controlled government.

I have been invited to visit him and his church and share the word with them. The airfare is expensive. The journey would be long. The State Department warns of dangers as westerners there are targets for terrorism. Never the less, I continue to feel compelled to go.

I do not want to make the journey or to be away from my church family here.  But, I can not shake the feeling that I am supposed to go. Andrew sent me pictures of his church yesterday and as I viewed them I felt stronger than ever a desire to meet them, love them and go tell them that there is a church her in El Paso who will remember them in their prayers and support them in their efforts. I have included the pictures here.

I am asking you to pray. I need to be sure it is Him who is working on my heart to go. Also, if I go, I need your prayers to help me find airfare that does not exceed what we have in our missionary fund. I will also need favor with the Nigerian embassy to grant me a visa. I will need protection from diseases such as yellow fever and protection frm thugs and terrorists. Most importantly, I will need His anointing to minister and bless this our sister church. Please help me with this.

Your Servant
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