Dear Church Family,
- Levi - He is responding very well to the treatments. At this time the diagnosis is still autoimmune hemolytic anemia. There are two types of this; warm and cold. Originally they thought it was the warm type which would be chronic. Now they believe it is the cold type. That is a much better diagnosis for Levi. Thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for him. More tests to follow.
Please follow this link or copy and paste into your web browser. https://www. I am not sending it to you to get you riled up. So, please don't be. I am sending it so you can better understand why we are preparing to live with joy the life of the exile. This is happening. It is happening right now. It is happening right here in the United States. It is increasing in frequency.seattle-police-arrest-street- preacher-reading-the-bible. html
Please prepare yourself and be actively:
- praying for those already coming under persecution.
- praying for those doing the persecuting.
- filling your heart and mind with God's word so that His peace will flow from you when things get tough.
- read it
- memorize
- speak it
- not worrying. God is well able to take care of His people. He has a great track record of losing none except Judas; who was a devil doomed for perdition as prophesied.
- building the bonds of love in your local fellowship by spending time together and carrying one another's burdens as you are already doing.
- praying and preaching to your lost loved ones and neighbors through love, good deeds and His Gospel.
Your Servant,