Dear Church Family,
- We had our first service in the sanctuary since the stay at home order of March 16th. We had 21 in the first service and 15 in the second. We are able to seat around 40 at a time with CDC recommended social-distancing between families. It was good to get together again.
- The elders presented the plan to provide facilities to a local Christian School. North Loop Christian Academy was closed by its parent church. The staff and faculty decided to continue the school under a new name but needed a place in which to operate. The Elders of Vista Hills have been meeting and praying about whether or not this has been given to us by The Lord to do. The elders met the teachers of the school and invited them to look over our building to see how it might work. It seemed obvious to the school administration, school teachers, and church elders that this was God's doing. The school voted unanimously that this was where they would like to open if the church felt led to invite them. The elders voted unanimously to invite them if the church membership also overwhelmingly agreed this was God's will. Following is some of the information I presented to those in attendance that leads us to believe God is leading us in this.
- Our Food Pantry/Clothing closet Ministry has been drastically cut back as we no longer will be cooperating with El Pasoans Fighting Hunger.
- Our Middle Door Ministry has changed to a referral and appointment process as young ladies have no longer been coming in a walk-in manner
- Our building is basically unused and empty Monday through Friday.
- The school would be able to pay any increase in our utilities, provide their own maintenance, and still be able to provide a quality Christian education for less than half the going rate in El Paso. In a word, they will be able to minister to those in a lower income level which fits well with Vista Hills' vision.
- The teachers have been hurt by the sudden closing of their school. Our invitation would bring immediate healing to those hurt hearts. They will see that there is a church that wants them and agrees with their view of the importance of educating children in conjunction with the Gospel.
- K.O.G City has been built but unused as very few of church children are able to come on Wednesday evenings. The faculty of the school became very excited about the prospect of using K.O.G City to minister to the younger school children during the weekly chapel services.
The elders are recommending the church vote to invite this school into our facilities. We will vote during the worship service next Sunday with a Yes or No ballot. It will be a secret ballot with Yes meaning we will share our facilities with the school and No signifying we will not share our building with them. Please call Gene, Todd, or myself if you would like to discuss this before the vote next week. Please pray God reveal His will to all of us.
- We will have a brief worship service this Wednesday in the Sanctuary and will continue with our two services on Sunday unless new directives are issued by the Governor or President
Your Servant