Dear Church Family,
This Saturday we will continue working on the landscaping around the pro-life building. Please pray for a good work crew turnout. Also pray the fellowship will be rich. Breakfast will be served at 8:00 am. We should finish before noon.
Remember to pray for the ladies as they go to the Sacramento Mountains this coming weekend. Pray they will encounter God as they seek a closer relationship with Him. Also pray He will strengthen the bonds of love between them. And pray they will return to us refreshed and not grouchy.
Also, keep our upcoming Vacation Bible School in your prayers. It would be wonderful to be able to share the Lord and our fellowship with some new families. Pray for the workers and that God will bring a lot of children.
Your Servant,
p.s. Grace sends her love from Korea. She prays there while we pray here in the sanctuary at 5:30 nightly. Afterwards, she and I talk about our prayer time experience and what we see God doing in our congregation. She says she loves you all and misses you all greatly. She also told me to tell you to be nice to her husband and sometimes cook fried chicken for him.
Well…she didn’t actually say that but I know she would if she had thought of it.